/* background stretcher jquery plugin ?2011 ajaxblender.com for any questions please visit www.ajaxblender.com or email us at support@ajaxblender.com version: 2.0.1 */ ;(function($){ /* variables */ var container = null; var alllis = '', containerstr = ''; var element = this; var _bgstretcherpause = false; var _bgstretcheraction = false; var _bgstretchertm = null; var random_line = new array(); var random_temp = new array(); var r_image = 0; var swf_mode = false; var img_options = new array(); $.fn.bgstretcher = function(settings){ if ($('.bgstretcher-page').length || $('.bgstretcher-area').length) { if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) console.log('more than one bgstretcher'); return false; } settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.bgstretcher.defaults, settings); $.fn.bgstretcher.settings = settings; function _build(body_content){ if(!settings.images.length){ return; } _genhtml(body_content); containerstr = '#' + settings.imagecontainer; container = $(containerstr); alllis = '#' + settings.imagecontainer + ' li'; $(alllis).hide().css({'z-index': 1, overflow: 'hidden'}); if(!container.length){ return; } $(window).resize(function(){ _resize(body_content) }); _resize(body_content); var stratelement = 0; /* rebuild images for simpleslide */ if (settings.transitioneffect == 'simpleslide') { if (settings.sequencemode == 'random') { if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) { console.log('effect \'simpleslide\' don\'t be to use with mode random.'); console.log('mode was automaticly set in normal.'); } } $(alllis).css({'float': 'left', position: 'static'}); $(alllis).show(); if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'nw' || $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'ne') { $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection = 'n'; } if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'sw' || $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'se') { $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection = 's'; } if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 's' || $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'e') { settings.sequencemode = 'back'; $(alllis).removeclass('bgs-current'); $(alllis).eq($(alllis).length - $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex - 1).addclass('bgs-current'); if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'e') { l = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).width()*(-1); t = 0; } else { // s t = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = 0; } $(containerstr+' ul').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}); } else { settings.sequencemode = 'normal'; if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex != 0) { if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'n') { t = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = 0; } else { // w l = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).width()*(-1); t = 0; console.log(l); } $(containerstr+' ul').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}); } } } if ($(settings.buttonnext).length || $(settings.buttonprev).length || $(settings.pagination).length){ if (settings.sequencemode == 'random') { if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) { console.log('don\'t use random mode width prev-button, next-button and pagination.'); } } else { /* prev and next buttons init */ if ($(settings.buttonprev).length){ $(settings.buttonprev).addclass('bgstretchernav bgstretchernavprev'); $(settings.buttonprev).click(function(){ $.fn.bgstretcher.buttonslide('prev'); }); } if ($(settings.buttonnext).length){ $(settings.buttonnext).addclass('bgstretchernav bgstretchernavnext'); $(settings.buttonnext).click(function(){ $.fn.bgstretcher.buttonslide('next'); }); } /* pagination */ if ($(settings.pagination).length) { $.fn.bgstretcher.pagination(); } } } /* random mode init */ if (settings.sequencemode == 'random') { var i = math.floor(math.random()*$(alllis).length); $.fn.bgstretcher.buildrandom(i); if (settings.transitioneffect != 'simpleslide') { $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex = i; } stratelement = i; } else { if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex > ($(alllis).length - 1)) $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex = 0; stratelement = $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex; if (settings.transitioneffect == 'simpleslide') { if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 's' || $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'e') { stratelement = $(alllis).length - 1 - $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.startelementindex; } } } $(alllis).eq(stratelement).show().addclass('bgs-current'); $.fn.bgstretcher.loadimg($(alllis).eq(stratelement)); /* go slideshow */ if(settings.slideshow && $(alllis).length > 1){ _bgstretchertm = settimeout('jquery.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow(\''+jquery.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode+'\', -1)', settings.nextslidedelay); } }; function _resize(body_content){ var winw = 0; var winh = 0; var conth = 0; var contw = 0; if ($('body').hasclass('bgstretcher-container')) { winw = $(window).width(); winh = $(window).height(); if (($.browser.msie) && (parseint(jquery.browser.version) == 6)) { $(window).scroll(function(){ $('#'+settings.imagecontainer).css('top', $(window).scrolltop()); }); } } else { $('.bgstretcher').css('position', 'absolute').css('top', '0px'); winw = body_content.width(); winh = body_content.height(); } var imgw = 0, imgh = 0; var leftspace = 0; // max image size if(settings.maxwidth != 'auto'){ if (winw > settings.maxwidth){ leftspace = (winw - settings.maxwidth)/2; contw = settings.maxwidth; } else contw = winw; } else contw = winw; if(settings.maxheight != 'auto'){ if (winh > settings.maxheight){ conth = settings.maxheight; } else conth = winh; } else conth = winh; // update container's size container.width(contw); container.height(conth); // non-proportional resize if(!settings.resizeproportionally){ imgw = conth; imgh = conth; } else { var initw = settings.imagewidth, inith = settings.imageheight; var ratio = inith / initw; imgw = contw; imgh = math.round(contw * ratio); if(imgh < conth){ imgh = conth; imgw = math.round(imgh / ratio); } } // anchoring var mar_left = 0; var mar_top = 0; var anchor_arr; if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.anchoring != 'left top') { anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.anchoring).split(' '); if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') { mar_left = (winw - contw); } else { if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = math.round((winw - contw)/2); } if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') { mar_top = (winh - conth); } else { if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') { mar_top = math.round((winh - conth)/2); } } container.css('marginleft', mar_left+'px').css('margintop', mar_top+'px'); } mar_left = 0; mar_top = 0; if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.anchoringimg != 'left top') { anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.anchoringimg).split(' '); if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') { mar_left = (contw - imgw); } else { if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = math.round((contw - imgw)/2); } if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') { mar_top = (conth - imgh); } else { if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') { mar_top = math.round((conth - imgh)/2); } } } img_options['mar_left'] = mar_left; img_options['mar_top'] = mar_top; // apply new size for images if (container.find('li:first').hasclass('swf-mode')) { var path_swf = container.find('li:first').html(); container.find('li:first').html('
'); var header = new swfobject('flash/stars.swf', 'flash-obj', contw, conth, '9'); header.addparam('wmode', 'transparent'); header.write('bgstretcher-flash'); }; img_options['imgw'] = imgw; img_options['imgh'] = imgh; if(!settings.resizeanimate){ container.children('ul').children('li.img-loaded').find('img').css({'marginleft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'margintop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}); container.children('ul').children('li.img-loaded').find('img').css({'width': img_options["imgw"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgh"]+'px'}); } else { container.children('ul').children('li.img-loaded').find('img').animate({'marginleft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'margintop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}, 'normal'); container.children('ul').children('li.img-loaded').find('img').animate({'width': img_options["imgw"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgh"]+'px'}, 'normal'); } $(alllis).width(container.width()).height(container.height()); if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.transitioneffect == 'simpleslide') { if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'w' || $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection == 'e') { container.children('ul').width(container.width() * $(alllis).length).height(container.height()); if ( $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) != -1 ){ l = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * container.width()*(-1); container.children('ul').css({left: l+'px'}); } } else { container.children('ul').height(container.height() * $(alllis).length).width(container.width()); if ( $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) != -1 ){ t = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).height()*(-1); container.children('ul').css({top: t+'px'}); } } } }; function _genhtml(body_content){ var code = ''; var cur_bgstretcher; body_content.each(function(){ $(this).wrapinner('
'); code = '
    '; // if swf var imagesurl=new array(); imagesurl=settings.links; if (settings.images.length) { var ext = settings.images[0].split('.'); ext = ext[ext.length-1]; if (ext != 'swf') { var ind = 0; for(i = 0; i < settings.images.length; i++){ if (settings.transitioneffect == 'simpleslide' && settings.sequencemode == 'back') ind = settings.images.length-1-i; else ind = i; if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.preloadimg) { code += '
  • ' + settings.images[ind] + '
  • '; } else { code += '
  • '; } } } else { code += '
  • ' + settings.images[0] + '
  • '; } } code += '
'; cur_bgstretcher = $(this).children('.bgstretcher-area'); $(code).prependto(cur_bgstretcher); cur_bgstretcher.css({position: 'relative'}); cur_bgstretcher.children('.bgstretcher-page').css({'position': 'relative', 'z-index': 3}); }); }; /* start bgstretcher */ this.addclass('bgstretcher-container'); _build(this); }; $.fn.bgstretcher.loadimg = function(obj){ if (obj.hasclass('img-loaded')) return true; obj.find('span.image-path').each(function(){ var imgsrc = $(this).html(); var imgalt = ''; var parent = $(this).parent(); var img = new image(); $(img).load(function () { $(this).hide(); parent.prepend(this); $(this).fadein('100'); }).error(function () { }).attr('src', imgsrc).attr('alt', imgalt); $(img).css({'marginleft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'margintop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}); $(img).css({'width': img_options["imgw"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgh"]+'px'}); }); obj.addclass('img-loaded'); return true; } $.fn.bgstretcher.play = function(){ _bgstretcherpause = false; $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout(); $.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode, -1); }; $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout = function(){ if(_bgstretchertm != null){ cleartimeout(_bgstretchertm); _bgstretchertm = null; } } $.fn.bgstretcher.pause = function(){ _bgstretcherpause = true; $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout(); }; $.fn.bgstretcher.sliderdestroy = function(){ var cont = $('.bgstretcher-page').html(); $('.bgstretcher-container').html('').html(cont).removeclass('bgstretcher-container'); $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout(); _bgstretcherpause = false; } /* slideshow */ $.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow = function(sequence_mode, index_next){ _bgstretcheraction = true; if ($(alllis).length < 2) return true; var current = $(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current'); var next; $(current).stop(true, true); if (index_next == -1) { switch (sequence_mode){ case 'back': next = current.prev(); if(!next.length){ next = $(containerstr + ' li:last'); } break; case 'random': if (r_image == $(containerstr + ' li').length) { $.fn.bgstretcher.buildrandom(random_line[$(containerstr + ' li').length-1]); r_image = 0; } next = $(containerstr + ' li').eq(random_line[r_image]); r_image++; break; default: next = current.next(); if(!next.length){ next = $(containerstr + ' li:first'); } } } else { next = $(containerstr + ' li').eq(index_next); } $(containerstr + ' li').removeclass('bgs-current'); $.fn.bgstretcher.loadimg(next); next.addclass('bgs-current'); switch ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.transitioneffect){ case 'fade': $.fn.bgstretcher.effectfade(current, next); break; case 'simpleslide': $.fn.bgstretcher.simpleslide(); break; case 'superslide': $.fn.bgstretcher.superslide(current, next, sequence_mode); break; default : $.fn.bgstretcher.effectnone(current, next); } if ($($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('li').length) { $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('li.showpage').removeclass('showpage'); $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('li').eq($(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current'))).addclass('showpage'); } // callback if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.callbackfunction) { if(typeof $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.callbackfunction == 'function') $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.callbackfunction.call(); } if(!_bgstretcherpause){ _bgstretchertm = settimeout('jquery.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow(\''+jquery.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode+'\', -1)', jquery.fn.bgstretcher.settings.nextslidedelay); } }; /* others effects */ $.fn.bgstretcher.effectnone = function(current, next){ next.show(); current.hide(); _bgstretcheraction = false; }; $.fn.bgstretcher.effectfade = function(current, next){ next.fadein( $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slideshowspeed ); current.fadeout( $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slideshowspeed, function(){ _bgstretcheraction = false; } ); }; $.fn.bgstretcher.simpleslide = function(){ var t, l; switch ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection) { case 'n': case 's': t = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = 0; break; default: l = $(containerstr + ' li').index($(containerstr + ' li.bgs-current')) * $(containerstr).width()*(-1); t = 0; } $(containerstr+' ul').animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slideshowspeed, function(){ _bgstretcheraction = false; }); }; $.fn.bgstretcher.superslide = function(current, next, sequence_mode){ var t, l; switch ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slidedirection) { case 's': t = $(containerstr).height(); l = 0; break; case 'e': t = 0; l = $(containerstr).width(); break; case 'w': t = 0; l = $(containerstr).width()*(-1); break; case 'nw': t = $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = $(containerstr).width()*(-1); break; case 'ne': t = $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = $(containerstr).width(); break; case 'sw': t = $(containerstr).height(); l = $(containerstr).width()*(-1); break; case 'se': t = $(containerstr).height(); l = $(containerstr).width(); break; default: t = $(containerstr).height()*(-1); l = 0; } if (sequence_mode == 'back') { next.css({'z-index': 2, top: t+'px', left: l+'px'}); next.show(); next.animate({left: '0px', top: '0px'}, $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slideshowspeed, function(){ current.hide(); $(this).css({'z-index': 1}); _bgstretcheraction = false; }); } else { current.css('z-index', 2); next.show(); current.animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.slideshowspeed, function(){ $(this).hide().css({'z-index': 1, top: '0px', left: '0px'}); _bgstretcheraction = false; }); } }; /* build line random images */ $.fn.bgstretcher.buildrandom = function(el_not){ var l = $(alllis).length; var i, j, rt; for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { random_line[i] = i; random_temp[i] = math.random()*l; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { for (j = 0; j < (l-i-1); j++) { if (random_temp[j] > random_temp[j+1]) { rt = random_temp[j]; random_temp[j] = random_temp[j+1]; random_temp[j+1] = rt; rt = random_line[j]; random_line[j] = random_line[j+1]; random_line[j+1] = rt; } } } if (random_line[0] == el_not) { rt = random_line[0]; random_line[0] = random_line[l-1]; random_line[l-1] = rt; } }; /* prev and next buttons */ $.fn.bgstretcher.buttonslide = function(button_point){ if (_bgstretcheraction || ($(alllis).length < 2)) return false; var mode = ''; if (button_point == 'prev') { mode = 'back'; if ($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode == 'back') mode = 'normal'; } else { mode = $.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode; } $(alllis).stop(true, true); $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout(); $.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow(mode, -1); return false; }; /* pagination */ $.fn.bgstretcher.pagination = function(settings){ var l = $(alllis).length; var output = ''; var i = 0; if (l > 0) { output += ''; $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).html(output); $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('li:first').addclass('showpage'); $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('a').mouseover(function(){ if ($(this).parent().hasclass('showpage')) return false; $(alllis).stop(true, true); $.fn.bgstretcher._cleartimeout(); $.fn.bgstretcher.slideshow($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.sequencemode, $($.fn.bgstretcher.settings.pagination).find('a').index($(this))); return false; }); } return false; } /* default settings */ $.fn.bgstretcher.defaults = { imagecontainer: 'bgstretcher', resizeproportionally: true, resizeanimate: false, images: [], links: [], //texts: [], imagewidth: 1024, imageheight: 768, maxwidth: 'auto', maxheight: 'auto', nextslidedelay: 3000, slideshowspeed: 'normal', slideshow: true, transitioneffect: 'fade', // none, fade, simpleslide, superslide slidedirection: 'n', // n, s, w, e, (if superslide - nw, ne, sw, se) sequencemode: 'normal', // back, random buttonprev: '', buttonnext: '', pagination: '', anchoring: 'left top', // right bottom center anchoringimg: 'left top', // right bottom center preloadimg: false, startelementindex: 0, callbackfunction: null }; $.fn.bgstretcher.settings = {}; })(jquery);